
June 2021 Newsletter

11th June 2021

This month we are making a splash about Volunteers Week. Thanking our volunteers is extremely important, so to have a designated week to shine a light on our amazing volunteer team of over 100 volunteers is great news.

There are some thank yous too for the amazing donations drive at Holy Spirit in Clapham and news about our now up and running clothes bank (also bedding, linens and kitchen items!). Furthermore, we have a very special Happy 10th Birthday mention to Local Greens who support us with amazing fresh fruit and veg. Follow their Instagram account @localgreensveg 

If you haven’t done so already, do sign up to receive our newsletter directly to your inbox at the beginning of every month. Scroll to the bottom of this page to enter your email address. To download this month’s newsletter click here.


We want to say a MASSIVE thank you to all our volunteers who give so much of their time to help those in need in our community. It’s been quite a year, but we are SO grateful to all our packers, drivers, re-stockers, admin helpers, fundraisers and form-fillers… we couldn’t do any of this without you! #volunteersweek2021

It’s probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of lockdown restrictions easing, but we’re excited that we can once again have volunteers at our supermarket collections! We’ve really missed the extra food that these collections generated. If you can spare two hours to help encourage customer donations or to sort and pack food, please sign up using the links provided below. Collections will be held on Thursday, 15th July, Friday, 16th July and Saturday, 17th July in Streatham and Brixton.

Tesco Streatham Extra (384 Streatham High Road)
Tesco Brixton (13 Acre Lane, Brixton)

We are pleased to be in a position to deliver clothes to our clients as well as food parcels. Our clothes bank is stocked with good quality second hand clothes and shoes for men, women, children and babies as well as some bedding items. At present we a short of size 16+ ladies clothes, ties (for job interviews), duvet covers and pillow cases (adults and children). If you can help with any of these items please email Amanda at [email protected] to arrange a drop-off or collection time. Thank you.
This month Local Greens are marking their 10 year anniversary and we want to celebrate with them! Back in 2011, two forward-thinking mums had the vision to make seasonal, local organic food a reality for more South London households. Their mission became Local Greens – a Herne Hill based sustainable veg bag scheme serving Lambeth and Southwark. Over the past 10 years we have enjoyed a fruitful (pardon the pun) partnership with Local Greens who have supplied us with regular donations of fresh fruit and vegetables and  have often come to the rescue over the Christmas period with a bumper delivery of fresh produce! On behalf of all the team at the Norwood and Brixton Foodbank we want to say a big thank you and wish you continued success in all you do!
Click on the image above to listen to a feature about our Foodbank that was recently broadcast on Riverside Radio. The piece starts at around 25 minutes and includes two revealing insights from Norwood and Brixton Foodbank clients who tell of their struggles and the much needed relief food bank has provided.
Please click on the image above to see our most up to date shopping list. We’ve added shower gel as these supplies are running very low. If you can donate, here’s where to go. Thank you.
On Saturday, 22nd May, Lisa and Amanda (pictured above) organised a food collection with the help of The Church of the Holy Spirit in Clapham. The collection ran from 10am to 2pm and donations flooded in from both church members and the wider community. Thank you so much for your support.


Please note that due to Covid-19, some of our distribution points are currently closed. Drop-boxes are still operating in various local shops across Lambeth. 

Please check our website for the latest information on how and where to donate food.

We have a number of new initiatives to suit your donating preferences, including our text to donate service where simply by texting ‘dinner 5’, ‘dinner 10’ or ‘dinner XX’ (insert amount of your choice) to 70085 enables you to donate the corresponding amount through your phone. Please click on the image above and download our ‘ways to donate’ info sheet to see all options available to you.


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