Give Help
Could your church help us?
Your church could help us make a real difference in the local community
We are very grateful for the donations we receive from so many local churches. Our Give Help page includes details of how to help and any special appeals, but we also have a Church Engagement Team which is ready to help you with ideas for fund raising.
We can come to your church to give presentations about the foodbank as part of a church service.
We can attend any special event or evening activity that you would like to put on.
If you have any social action groups in your church we would be particularly happy to liaise with them for the benefit of the Foodbank.
Please email our Churches Engagement Coordinator on [email protected] with any requests or ideas you have.
We would like to have designated contacts for churches. If you can, please email [email protected] with details of your church’s foodbank representative. These will only be used for communications on foodbank business, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you to all the churches who support us: